Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One Day to Go

Here I sit, the day before I leave South Africa, and I am a complete mess of emotions. It was only 138 days ago that I was feeling these exact same emotions about leaving the United States.

This experience is one that I cannot even begin to put into words. Since I've been here, I've learned so much about myself, the world, and the way I fit into it. I've found my home, my heart, and grown my passion in ways I never anticipated. Each place I spent time, from Robben Island to Hermanus to the Cape Flats, has taught me something. I've learned to slow down. I've learned to appreciate what I've been given. I've learned to find joy in everything.

I'm scared to leave. I have assimilated into South African life and it's difficult to remember how to function in the US. I think back to the initial culture shock I dealt with when I arrived here and I am anticipating the same when I get home. At least I'm a little more prepared this time.

One thing I am really going to miss is the weather. The crazy snow and blizzards lately in Washington will be a drastic change from the gorgeous 100 degree African summer I've been experiencing. I have developed a tan like I've never had, and it will surely wither away quickly after I get home. I'll miss that.

I know I'm all over the place in this post, but the reason is that I feel so disjointed. I'm nervous about leaving. I'm nervous about being home. I'm nervous about not knowing what to do next. Africa has changed so much in me and I'm anxious to see how that affects the ways in which I understand my surroundings.

Despite all of this, I cannot wait to see my family and friends at home. Even though I know I belong in Africa, I also know I belong with Shannon and our little family and I am excited to be back with them.

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